Explanation by Definition:
Happiness: (1) the quality or state of being happy. (2)good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy.
Elude: (1) to avoid or escape by speed, cleverness, trickery, etc.; evade: to elude capture. (2)
Fast Forward to January of 2011 - (I know not a very long time..) but I had a revelation so to speak, and I heard a popular song at that time, and another that had just been released entitled "Never Say Never" and "Pray" both consecutively by Justin Bieber. Yes, I said it, Justin Bieber. Please call me on it and see how much of a flying freak I give...That being said, I was absolutely blown away by the power of these two songs, and the change they made within my soul and I told myself that from that day forth, my life motto would be "Never Say Never" as the song so proudly exclaimed..and thus, "Never. Say. Never." the blog was born.
Explanation by Definition:
Never: (1) not ever; at no time. (2) not at all; absolutely not. (3) to no extent or degree.
We remained that way until April of 2011, when the newly revamped, regutted appropriately titled Spunky! made it's debut. Why the name? Simple. I was looking for something that describes myself as a person, with a vivacious attitude, determination that would make my mama proud, and a knack for sarcasm in tow, I needed a catchy new blog name that in which defined me, and someone used the word Spunky toward me, after meeting me for the first time..instantly I knew I had to look up the formal definition, and there you have it. I looked it up, respected the key words defining it, and now we have, Spunky!
Explanation by Definition:
Spunky: gutsy; courageous, spirited
References: Dictionary.com.Reference